"Springtime is Lilac Time" - Lilac Time Festival


Stock #:598169
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Rochester
State: New York (NY)
County: Monroe
Publisher: Louis Heindl & Son
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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ROCHESTER, N.Y. "LILAC CAPITAL OF THE WORLD" The world's largest collection of lilacs--535 varities and over 1,500 shrubs--is at its full glory during the annual Lilac Time Festival in Rochester. The spectacular display, usually at its peak the last two weeks of May, covers 15 acres in famed Highland park, and is illuminated each evening for thousands of U.S. and Canadian visitors. "Springtime is Lilac Time" IN ROCHESTER, N.Y.

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