from Washington Duke Hotel, Durham, N. C.
Durham, population 52,037, The Washington Duke is
seat of Duke University, one a modern and most com-
of the most heavily endow- fortable house of 300 rooms,
ed of the world's institu- each of which has both tub
tions of higher education.
Commercially Durham is
famous as the home of sev- and less, and 19 per cent at
eral great tobacco compan- the minimum rate of $2.50.
ies, and as a center of the As expected of the leading
southern textile industry. hotel of a city, the public
The largest hosiery mill in and social rooms of the
the world is located here.
and shower bath. Of these
rooms 76 per cent are $3.50
and less; 56 per cent at $3
Washington Duke are dis-
World-famed Chapel Hill, tinctly above average in lux-
seat of the oldest State Uni- ury and charm. There are
versity in America, is but two good restaurants, both
featuring fixed-price meals.
ten miles away.
This good hotel is one of the two Bland-operated
houses in North Carolina, the other one being:
The CHARLOTTE, at Charlotte, N. C.
GREETINGS:---from a traveler in a pleasant
land --- writing you from the Washington Duke
Hotel at Durham, North Carolina.
Airmail 6c
Canada and
Foreign 2c
The TAVERN PRESS Printers to Southern Hotels Charlotte, N. C.