
Dana School


Stock #:617623
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Rutland
State: Vermont (VT)
County: Rutland
Publisher: Carbine's Book Store
Postmark: 1910 Oct-12
Postmark City: Rutland
Postmark State: VT
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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  • 2023-09-12 06:00:37 -
    First floor, left of entry: 6th Grade cloakroom,
    Miss Gaynor;
    First floor, right of entry: Ist Grade, Mrs. Bruce;
    First floor, rear right: 1st Grade, Miss Fox;
    Second floor, left 4 windows, 2nd Grade, Mrs.
    Second floor, front right corner, 5th Grade, Mrs. Burke
    Second floor, rear right corner, 4th Grade, Miss
    Second floor, above entry: room used when
    school nurse was visiting
    These reflect my years at Dana, 1952-1960

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