Auspices Greater Boston Federation of Churches
TOUR 116, DECEMBER 2, 1933
2.00 P. M. Registration at Elizabeth Peabody House, 357 Charles
St. Short walk from Charles St. Subway Station.
2.15 P. M. “Slums -- and Housing Projects of 1933," a discus-
sion of to-day's most momentous social problems, Neptune
Gardens, etc. John Ihlder, of Boston-Pittsburg Housing Asso-
ciation. “West End Tenements," illustrated by Calvin Yuill,
field worker.
3.00 P. M. “Cosmopolis of the West End.” Inspection of
Charlesbank Homes, model tenements, shops, courts, reading
room - a vision of Edwin Ginn. Tour through congested
slum tenement houses under leadership of Mr. Yuill.
4.00 P. M. “After the Depression, what?” At West End Com-
munity House.
1. Read the Socialist Press! Vote the Socialist ticket! Join
the Socialist Party! By Alfred Baker Lewis, State Secre-
tary, Socialist Party.
2. Roosevelt, the NRA, and the New Deal, by Ralph Cahouet,
NRA headquarters.
5.15 P. M. At Volunteers of America, Brattle St. Greeting by
Col. and Mrs. Walter Duncan. Inspection of kitchens and
building, explanation. “The Forgotten Man,” by himself ;
revelations of an unemployed. Optional dinner, cafeteria
style, at 1-cent restaurant. All wishing dinner, sign at regis-
NEW YORK CITY TOUR, January 12-15, India and Cuba
seen with famous Reconciliation Trips. Clarence V. Howell,
director. Picturesque native customs portrayed, art, architec-
ture, religions, politics interpreted, Cuban rebels interviewed,
Gandhi discussed, visits to Buddhist Temple, Bazaar of India,
Oriental music, tangoes, foreign foods, tapestries, jewels. Also
trip to Chrysler Tour, Radio City. Time to shop. All expenses,
$11.50, except tips, and tips and subway fares on Reconciliation
Trip. Three in a room at hotel, two in stateroom on boat.
Leave Boston, 5.15 P. M., Friday ; return, 8 A. M,, Monday. Mini-
mum number, 25; binding reservations make this rate possible
by December 17; money due by January 2. Make reservations
with, address inquiries to Mrs. Philip Hogan, Egypt, Mass., who
arranges the Tours.
Boston Friendship Tours open to the public; dues, 50 cents.