The Redondo Beach Whale.
Entered by the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce in the Midsummer Floral and
Allegorical Festival, Elks' Grand Lodge Reunion, Los Angeles, July 16, 1909.
Made in Redondo Beach, California.
Souvenir of the Redondo Beach Whale This space for address.
A life-size reproduction of an Antlered
Whale (spermus elkus grandlodgicus). The
species is extremely rare, and is noted for its
large branching horns, purple hide and white
fins and tail.
The cetacean is 41 feet long by 12 feet in
diameter and weighs over three tons. The
mouth is 8 feet long, the fins 6 feet, the horns
10 feet, and the tail measures 11 feet from
tip to tip. The hide is covered with 20,000
purple scales, the roof of the mouth is lined
with white and purple pampas plumes, while
the fins and tail are adorned with more than
10,000 roses and carnations, for which Re-
dondo Beach has long been famous. The
blow hole is located in the top of the head,
and emits a spray of carnation perfume at
each breath of the leviathan.
The size, beauty and unique character of
the Redondo Beach Whale are symbolical of
the beauties and attractions of the premier
beach resort of Los Angeles.