tebrian 28,1980)
8 Thanks so much for your letter
with all sorts of interesting
Hclus. By the time you will
receive this I will have called
Eva already. You wounded
28 18715h
I somewhat uncary about your
Gebruik 'm goed
It mca duties. hopefully you
don't have to work too many
hours anymore. I've heard
very little about the renoual
Mina Brand
fion of the libran but ain
assuming that went accordins
to schedule and that it looks | 335 A Harvard Street
beautiful now. Am making
my first trip in April to
southern part of us t won't
have time to come up to
Cambridge but am looking
forward to LEIDEN seeing you in .U.S.A.
Second Blauwpoortsbrug hall of jung
Kolume 51. 008.18 269420 which I'll spend SLEDĩNG
in Boston. Will unte again
"Love Jame & winh
Cambridge MA 02139