Waterloo Evening Courier Jan. 31.- Firemen today were still pouring water on the ruins of the Mondamin hotel block, which was wiped out by fire last night, with a loss of $400,000. The loss is covered by $200,000 insurance. Following is a revised list of principal losses: Mondamin hotel building, $150,000. Hotel furnishings, $75,000. Todd-Baker building, $20,000. Todd-Baker drug stock, $60,000. Authier building, $25,000. Authier contents, $3,000. Thorpe & company, building, $25,000. Thorpe & company, stock, $20,000. S. H. Moore, drug stock, $5,000. Illinois Central, $1,000. Milwaukee, $1,000. Mondamin pool hall fixtures, $4,000. Barber shop fixtures, $4,000. George M. Conway, cigar stock, $10,000. Hogan block, $1,000. |