As A Remembrance At Christmas With All Good Wishes "A Petition"


Stock #:650879
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
Postmark: 1911 Dec-21
Postmark City: San Francisco
Postmark State: Cal.
Stamp: 1c
Philatelic Notes: slogan - WORLD'S PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION 1915
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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I do not ask for special help; For special gifts I do not plead;But give me like the lion's whelp Strength and will to supply my need. I do noyt ask the path shallbe a broad and oleasant road; I only pray Thou'll give to me Strong limbs to bear the load. I do not ask to see Thy ace Nor pray to touch Thy hand;I only ask for saving grace A heart to understand. And when I walk where human souls Grind out their day without Thy light; That I shall have thee strength that holds To lift them up to paths of right. Give me the power to help a friend, The strength and will to face a foe;So let me live and at the end,Lie down where quiet waters flow. William Nauns Ricks

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