have to take a trip
down & lend our
moval support to a good cause,
Shavent sold the tart
2 acres. Have had Reveral
nibbles bith nothing definite.
Din in no hurry, because if
it to the Real Estate Board
I give
I might get some one unders
Have only "3" broker's "working k
John is living on his
Temperance Deland" off
Norwalk. He likes it there
very much. He say
saip it's
so peaceful and quiet
there, that he's always glad
to get back to it.
Emily Shaw's Inn, Inc.
Pound Ridge, N. Y.
Merritt P'kway to Exit 35. Then six miles North on
Route 137. Pound Ridge 4-5779.
The Willson's are
having their problems