Greetings From Tucumcari, N.M.


Stock #:662835
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Tucumcari
State: New Mexico (NM)
County: Quay
Publisher: Southwest Post Card Co.
Postmark State: TX
Stamp: 4c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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K-487 - Tucumcari derives its name from the Indian name for the nearby mountain. It borders on the great plainswhich the Spaniards called Llano Estacado (staked plains), stakes and signs being placed to mark the route across this level land in the early days. It is a prosperous little city on Hi-way 66 not far from the Texas line. Stock raising is one of the chief industries and the nearby Conchas Dam will bring 45,000 acres of rich land under cultivation in the near future.

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