As a Domestic Gas Furnace Owner - You Can Save $4.50

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $11.95
Original Price: $14.95

Stock #:666949
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
Size: 3.25" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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That's Right If the pilot on your Domestic gas furnace was turned off for the summer, it should be relighted at once. CL&P will relight your furnace, without charge, provided you notify us by August 20 and we are permitted to do the work as soon as possible during regular working hours. Since this service applies only to your furnace, kitchen range heaters or room heaters are not included in this free service offer. If you don't call us before August 20, it may not be possible to complete the work without considerable delay, as well as inconvenience and expense to you. For "turn-on" service after August 20, we must make a minimum service charge of $4.50 for work that's done during regular working hours. So, be sure to call us right away for a saving of at least $4.50. By the way, here are four ways you gain when you keep your gas furnace lighted all year 'round: 1. Longer life for your heating equipment 2. A dryer, more comfortable basement 3. Instant heat at your fingertips 4. No relighting delay in autumn

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