
Burlington Route 100th Anniversary

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $9.95
Original Price: $14.95

Stock #:672575
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Chicago
State: Illinois (IL)
County: Cook
Publisher: Burlington Route
Condition: Writing
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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It was on February 12, 1849 that a group of citizens of Aurora, Illinois obtained a charter to build 12 miles of railroad, which was named the Aurora Branch. That was a very significant occasion because it was the beginning of the present Burlington System. In the years to follow, construction of additional lines and the acquisition of others welded together a far-flung rail empire that now reaches from the Great Lakes to the Rockies and from Montana to the Gulf of Mexico...11,000 miles in 14 states. It serves the principal manufacturing and commercial centers as well as the great agricultural and stockraising areas within this vast domain. We review with pride our first century of progress and achievement, one which was eventful and productive in many ways. Burlington was first to operate a railway post office car-forerunner of the present-day Railway Mail Service. It was the first to operate a diesel-powered, streamlined train, thus opening the way for the high-speed passenger service which has become so general throughout the country. It was the first to introduce the Vista-Dome car...that thrilling innovation that has added so materially to the enjoyment of passenger train travel. Today we look ahead with keen anticipation to a new horizon, a new challenge, a new opportunity to serve more people better through the years to come. "Milepost 100" a concise history of the Burlington's first century, is a colorful, illustrated booklet, rich in the lore of the West. For your free copy write Burlington Lines, Room 803, 547 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago 6, Ill.

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