We mean Get US out! of the
United Nations because
The UN was conceived by Communists...
Joseph Stalin's book Marxism And The National Ques-
tion (published in 1942) outlined the following principle:
Divide the world into regional groups as a transitional
stage to total world government . . . . Later, the regional
groups can be brought all the way into a single world dic-
That the U.N. was to be the means to achieve that goal
was made clear in the April, 1945 issue of the Communist
journal Political Affairs in the following words: "Great
popular support and enthusiasm for the United Nations
policies should be built up, well organized and fully
The UN was created by Communists...
In 1950 the State Department issued a volume called
Postwar Foreign Policy Preparation, 1939-45. It described
the policies and events leading up to the creation of the
United Nations. This and similar government documents
list seventeen men who had key roles in shaping these
policies. The list was headed by convicted perjurer, Alger
Hiss, and sixteen of them - including Hiss - have been
identified in sworn testimony as secret Communist agents!
The UN is controlled by the Communists...
Perhaps the most important position in the entire U.N.
structure is that of Under-Secretary-General for Political
and Security Council Affairs. This position supervises all
military functions, all disarmament activities, and all U.N.
uses of atomic energy. Since 1945, ten men have held that
job, and every one of them has been a Communist!
The UN is an integral part of Communist plans...
On April 6, 1970 U.N. Secretary-General U Thant said
Lenin's "ideals of peace and peaceful coexistence among
states," - meaning no resistance to Communism - "have
won widespread international acceptance and they are in
line with the aims of the U.N. charter." They certainly are.
Which is why responsible Americans want to Get US out!
These cards are available in any quantity, at
twenty-five for one dollar, postage paid, from
Belmont, Mass. 02178 San Marino, Calif. 91108
Get US out!
stamp here