
The Growth of Our Empire Beyond the Seas


Stock #:684393
Type: Postcard
Country: England
Publisher: Raphael Tuck & Sons
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Additional Details:
An official of the Guinea (Royal African) Company. Treaty making on the Gold Coast in 1672. The Gold Coast. The Gold Coast, now a British colony and Protectorate, was once in the hands of the Portuguese and the Dutch, who, settling there in the days before England was a sea-going power of importance, built forts and began a search for gold. In 1661, however, the English successfully attacked the Dutch defences, and four years later "the new five pieces of gold coined by the Guiny Company" were issues. In 1844 the jurisdiction of England on the Gold Coast was defined.

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