Do not think of buying a SEWING MACHINE from any concern
at any price or on any terms until you have received our beautiful
art catalogue describing our famous bicycle bearing Sewing Mach-
ines, which we ship direct from our factory. We save you
$25.00 to $45.00 middlemen's profits on each machine and in
neighborhoods where we are not represented make a remarkably
liberal offer to introduce a sample machine.
on Sew.
3 MONTHS FREE TRIAL ing machine we sell.
We ship on approval and trial to anyone in the United States with-
out a cent deposit in advance and if the machine ordered is not
fully satisfactory and superior in every way to any Sewing Mach-
ine you ever bought or considered at the special price we will name
you, ship it back to us at our expense and you will not be out a cent.
In order to convince you beyond
FREIGHT PREPAID doubt that our famous "Silent
Princess" Sewing Machines are the best in the country and in or-
der to make it easy for you to see, examine, approve and try one of
these highest grade machines at no expense to you if not accepted,
we prepay the freight charges to any station in the United States.
ONE CENT is all it will cost you for a stamp to put on this card.
Sign your name and address plainly and send it to us. By return
mail you will receive our beautiful Art Catalogue, showing our full
line of sewing machines. We will explain to you the reason why bicycle bearings are better than the ordinary
ball bearings in a sewing machine. We will also tell you why by shipping direct from our factory we can give
you a sewing machine that will save you from $25.00 to $45.00.
Our "direct from factory to user, freight prepaid" plan of selling bicycles and sewing machines has during
the past generation been so satisfactory that, today, our machines are in use in every part of the world and our
more than one million customers are the best testimonials we can offer as to our responsibility and reliability.
Even if don't intend to a sewing machine
WRITE US AT ONCE should not neglect this opportunity to secure our valuable information about
sewing machines, facts that save big
money when you or your neighbors want to buy. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, U. S. A.
Street, P. O. Box
or Rural Route
Chicago, U.S. A.
Gentlemen: Please send me your beautiful Art Catalogue of
Sewing Machines, also full particulars of your special
below factory cost prices on a freight prepaid sample
machine. Also your 3 MONTHS FREE TRIAL offer.
U. S. A.