Old Church and Church of Christ Market

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $8.95
Original Price: $15.95

Stock #:688648
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Bennington
State: Vermont (VT)
County: Bennington
Publisher: E.T. Griswold
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Other Categories:

Additional Details:
The First Congregational church, built in 1806 is the oldest now standing in Vermont. The original edifice of this society, stood on the site marked by the Shrine tablet in the foreground and was erected in 1763-5. The second house to the south of the church (the Parson Dewey 1763) is the oldest structure in Vermont, and the Walloomsac Inn across the street, the oldest hotel in the state 1764.

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