Frontier Auto Court

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $9.95
Original Price: $15.95

Stock #:694414
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Cheyenne
State: Wyoming (WY)
County: Laramie
Publisher: Curt Teich & Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

Additional Details:
One of Cheyenne's newest and finest, is located on West Lincoln Way, Highway US 30, within the city limits. It has thirty-eight brick cabins, completely modern, all fire and soundproof, air conditioned, nicely furnished, tile bath, rooms with shower and tubs, Simmons beds, inner spring mattresses, Magic Chef equipped kitchens and frigidaires. All cabins afford the private comforts of home. Dishes furnished if desired. Some cabins family size, two and three rooms. Private garages. N. Smith, Prop.

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