Location of Hawaiian Islands


Stock #:698991
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
State: Hawaii (HI)
Publisher: Hawaii And South Seas Curio Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Hawaii lies between 18* 54' and 22* 14' North Latitude, and 154* 48' and 160* 13 West Longitude, about 2,100 miles S.W. of San Francisco. There are eight in habited islands. Hawaii, with an area of 4.015 square miles, Maui, 728 square miles, Oahu 598, Kauai 547, Molokai 261, Lanai 139, Nihau 97, Kahoolawe 69 square miles, or a total of 6,449 square miles. The population of Hawaii is about 192,000 and that of Honolulu about 60,000.

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