American Brunette: Djer-Kiss Rouge and Face Powder Compacts


Stock #:702786
Type: Trade Card
Publisher: Howard Chandler Christy
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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This lovely type so brilliantly pictured for us by Christy - with the fine, vibrant, youthful skin - dark brown or black hair, sparkling brown eyes which call for lovely color - how vividly this type responds to the use of a pure colorful rouge! This type often possesses a very white skin - again the complexion may be of a brunette hue. Still again it may include the charming olive skin. For these types of American Brunette the formula given by our experts will be found so beautifying - so very, very natural. Formula: Use Princesse Jacqueline Rouge, shading it from deep to delicate tone. Finish with Chair or Blanche Face Powder.

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