J. Ottmann, Lith. Puck Bldg. MY..
Deacon Brown and the Devil.
OLD DEACON BROWN was one of the pillars of the Church at
C- and was considered one of its truest and staunchest friends,
and opposed to the works of the Devil, no matter what guise he
assumed. He belonged to the old type of Christians, who did
not believe in any "new-fangled" ideas of Christian worship.
The young people of the church, however, while they had
great respect for the old Deacon, whom they called "Uncle Bob-
bie," did not sympathize with him in his fossilized notions, and
resolved to buy an organ for their church, that they might keep
abreast of the times and make their church and Sabbath-school
attractive. The Deacon, learning of their intentions, strongly
opposed the measure, notwithstanding which, the organ was pur-
chased and placed in the church. The Deacon became so en-
raged that he left the church, declaring to a friend as he left,
"that they had now the Devil in the church and that he never kept
company with that individual!" He remained away from the
church for over a year; but one day, upon meditating upon his
position, he concluded that there must be something wrong about
it; so he resolved, on the following Sabbath, to go to church and
hear the thing" anyhow. Accordingly, on Sabbath morning
"Uncle Bobbie," to the surprise of every one, made his appear-
ance and took his seat near the door, and remained a silent spec-
tator during the service. After the conclusion of the service the
young people came around to speak to the old Deacon, and en-
quired after his health and asked him how he liked the music.
"Uncle Bobbie," while somewhat softened, replied rather gruff-
ly, "O, it does well enough, I suppose!" So the Deacon kept up
his visits to the church regularly every Sabbath, and the young
people noticed that on each visit he took his seat further from
the door and toward his old accustomed place, and finally he
boldly took his old seat-expressed himself as delighted with the
music, and frankly said, "I really thought the Devil was in that
box-I knew that the old fellow was about somewhere, and I know
now that I was only mistaken as to the locality!"
This manly confession did honor to the old Deacon and was
appreciated by his young friends. Do you ask what organ it was
that chased the Devil from his hiding-place?
Why, it was the celebrated, world-renowned ESTEY, which
has often performed this miracle, and will, we believe, be equal
to any and every emergency.
Our good friends, SANDERS & STAYMAN, 13 N. Charles Street,
Baltimore, Md., and 934 F Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C.,
can tell you all about it. Write to them, or call and see them.-
Baltimore paper.
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