... is a coin-operated U. S. mailbox for people
who have letters to mail-and no stamps. It
is a "self-service postoffice" that mails your
letters without need of adhesive stamps.
To mail a letter you (1) drop money in coin
slot (2) dial correct postage denomination (3)
insert letter in letter slot. The machine does
the rest; automatically takes your letter, prints
collection. . . provides postage from lc to 32c,
including Air Mail, Special Delivery, etc., with
no premium for postage. Metered mail needs
less postoffice handling, often catches earlier
trains and planes, starts on its way sooner.
The "Mailomat" is a pre-war invention of
Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter Co., Stamford,
Conn., now converted to war production; was
developed in cooperation with the U. S. Post
Office Dept. to facilitate public use of the mails
in post office lobbies, railway terminals, etc.
Manufacturing will begin when the war is won,
Try this new "stampless" postal service now.
Use this card to say "hello" to that boy in
Service. And when using the mails these days,
at home or office, remember to mail early and
often. . . to help clear the track for war mail
and to help the P. O. help you!
Collection of mail from
coin-operated letter box
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Streamlined mailing.. no
adbesive stamps required
Please do not write directly below:
Instructional post card, compliments of
Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter Co. Mail in
"Mailomat" for lc to any U.S.A. address.