Dine in the true traditions of old world charm.
Ingredients: 6 Conchs, 1 Sweet Pepper, 1 Carrot, 2
Large Onions, 1 tin of Whole Tomatoes, 2 tin of Tom-
ato Paste, and Thyme.
Prepare a fish stock from heads and fish bones and
vegetables like onions, carrots, parsley, leeks, etc., Put
the conchs, peppers, carrots and onions through a
meatgrinder and then saute in butter together with the
juice squeezed from the meatgrinder. Season with thy-
me, pepper and salt and add the tomatoes and tomato
paste, together with 2 cups of broken up water bis-
cuits, saltines or cream crackers. Fill up with stock and
allow to simmer for one hour. Add a quarter of a bot-
tle of sherry before serving. Thicken with browned fl-
our and butter mixture.
Reservations: (809) 32-22811 / 24039
Buena Vista guest house and restaurant / Post Office Box N-564, Nassau, Bahamas