SWEDEN (The "Dalkuilan")
HE accompanying illustration is reproduced from a
photograph by our agent at Stockholm, Sweden,
and is the first of a series of similar subjects ob-
tained by us in like manner to illustrate national cos-
tumes all over the world.
The characteristic tall blonde of the northern races is
typified in this instance by a “Dalkullan," or native of
Dalarne, a mountainous interior district of Sweden,
where the old fashions and costumes are still preserved.
The two great silver buttons fastening the flowing
collar, the brooches at the throat and bow, the belt
clasp and other jewelry are silver heirlooms; the apron
is homespun, in brilliant colors, similar to a Roman
Sweden has given to us Jenny Lind, Neilson and other
sweet singers. We send annually to her many thousand
American Singers,” silent but useful.
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