NE of the principal causes for the general diffusion
of well-being among the people of the United
States is found in the wonderfully diverse uses of
mechanical contrivances to take the place of manual
labor. So far as men and women can substitute for the
direct output of physical strength, the more intelligent
effort of guiding a machine, they are so far uplifted in
the scale of being, because they are enabled to make
their lives more interesting as well as more productive.
It is in the invention of machinery-which not only
economizes, but elevates human labor--that American
ingenuity excels; and the Singer sewing-machine is one of
the most conspicuous examples of this kind of invention.
For nearly half a century it has been a most potent
factor in promoting the happiness of mankind all over
the world. During this time improvement in all the pro-
cesses of its manufacture has been constantly carried on,
until now the machine seems to have reached ultimate
perfection in every detail.
Infants' and Children's Clothing must
be elastic and easily altered.
This result best obtained by stitching with the
For practical Illustration visit a Singer Store, or
see a Singer Salesman.
Singer Stores in
See Singer Store
Every City.
in YOUR City.