Patio of Restaurante De Paseo Santa Barbara, California


Stock #:724401
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Santa Barbara
State: California (CA)
County: Santa Barbara
Publisher: Artvue Post Card Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Front Post Card: Message: LUNCHEON IN BEAUTIFUL PATIO OF RESTAURANTE DEL PASEO SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA Black and white photograph of mariachi band and Spanish male and female Flamenco dancers, bull fighter performing in front of diners/audience. Onlookers sit on surrounding balconies. Spanish architecture. Back Post Card: "My house is yours," greeting the stranger who knocked at the door. The best room in the house, a place at the table and fireside, a fresh horse if necessary- such was the hospitality of those generous hearted Californians of early days. Could Restauranted Dell Paseo choose more wisely than to follow this charming code of its forefathers? Publisher Mark: (Center) ARTVUE POST CARD CO., 235 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK N.Y. Bottom Card: ARtvue

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