ToheneverI was
of with The rau uih. Cuu in need ofa runtferl
Baareb. Solucilišna knjižnica Záčelj Larinefor Milars
e to -mh. sedya
La Bibliothèque de l'Université. Face postérieure.
11. 2
Zagreb, April 21h 1928
My dear Newri, Haug
for your jolly letter and
the clipping. I hope that bynow
you received news from your
brother that he got the pachage
all right. The portier locked
tront Trustworthy. It ira, Joe.
in the evening when I pamet
by on a lári hefisegozi wa
my brother to dianer an.
Folien Bergires. It was perfett
loah – I had a giddy tium in
Berlin and worked a los in
Budapestes Belgrade and here,
Naklada S. Markovic, Zagreb, Ilica 5.