Haute-Alsace. . THANN. La Cathédrale St-Thiébaut
Visé Nancy A. 492
J. K. 13 Edition Afsatia
Ausseren, thril 11th 1919.
lleg domande,
I have just receind your 2 number of January & Schany
1919. Very much thanks for it. By mistake, you hareket
metrice the number of Tanmary, which I possumed already.
I have noticed the underlined pasiegen from
P. R. und will be glas to read your edyty
negarch to P. R. ale to the other beccain
if you see them. A so you receive with
bist thentes, my best wishes for success
in the meat name of the read your odymy
Visé Thann 578