The Morning Prayer - Mr. R. Epp


Stock #:731898
Type: Trade Card
City: Mayfield
State: California (CA)
County: Santa Clara
Size: 3.25" x 4.5" (9 x 11.5 cm)
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This, the eleventh of our Album Card Series, really needs no superscription, for so well has the distinguished artist, Mr. R. Epp, performed his work, no one can mistake the homely scene, and but few, we presume, resist its humanizing influence. And now, permit us to call your attention to the fact, that for the past fifty-two years, our Dr. D. Jayne's Carminative Balsam has been the recognized standard remedy for all affections of the bowels, as the many hundreds of thousands of persons - in all parts of the world - who have used it, will testify. With such a record, why should any one neglect to keep it at hand for ready use in sudden attacks of cholera morbus, summer complaint and colic, and the debilitating ailments of diarrhoea and dysentery, to which all are liable during our hot seasons. It will afford quick relief, check the tendency to violent action, and soothe and calm the stomach and bowels. For cramps it gives immediate relief, and for Asiatic cholera it is a reliable stand-by, - acting promptly, allaying irritation, and removing soreness in the pars affected. It is safe and equally effectual with young or old, according to the dose, and being pleasant to the taste, is easily administered to children. In Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge you will find another equally valuable remedy for an entirely different, but quite as common class of complaints. In the dyspepsia of adults - as indicated indigestion, sour stomach, oppression at the pit of the stomach and low spirits - this medicine has an exceedingly beneficial effect, when taken in small doses after eating, the bowels being kept open, when necessary - by Dr. Jayne's Sanative Pills. For worms in children - the distressing symptoms of which are known to all parents - this medicine is invaluable. It not only destroys and removes the worms, but by its tonic properties rebuilds and strengthens. Feeble, sickly children are greatly helpe by it, even in cases where there are no symptoms of worms, - and it has also a most excellent effect in the fever and ague of children. Presented By B. Mayer, Mayfield, Santa Clara Co., California.

From the Darlene Thorne Collection

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