
MARCH Mars Descending To Rhea From Medal Of Antoninus Pius


Stock #:732661
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: Oakland
State: California (CA)
County: Alameda
Publisher: Edward H. Mitchell
Postmark: 1911 Mar-1
Postmark City: Oakland
Postmark State: CA
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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The Romans, a warlike people named the first month in their calendar after Mars, the god of war, who was reputed to be the father of Romulus and Remus, by Rhea, the mother of Divinities. Romulus according to tradition was the founder of Rome. (See September card.) H.C. Capwell Co. Dear Madam: Many of our customers consider that the store is more interesting during March than at any other time, for the season's styles make their initial bow for public approval. When you call here, visit the Suit Department and you will agree that it is indeed a pleasure to view what Fashion has stamped as correct for 1911. You could come every day and find something new, for we are receiving daily shipments from the foremost tailors of New York. We would appreciate your judgment of the models. H.C. CAPWELL CO. 12th & Washington Sts. Oakland, Cal.

From the Darlene Thorne Collection

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