COLBY Proprictor.
1940½ MLISSION STREET, Opposite MissionMarket.
All Leading brands Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Etc.
Oakland Ferry Time Table.--O. P. R.
TO, EAST OAKLAND-(6:00), (6:30), 7:30,
8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30.1:30, 2:30, 3:30,
4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, (12:00)
TO ALAMEDA-(6:00), (16:30), 7:00, (17:30),
8:00, (18:30) 9:00, (19:30), 10:00, 11:00, 12:00,
1:00, 2:00, 3:00, (t3:30), 4:00, (14:30), 5:00,
(15:30), 6:00, (16:30), 7:00, (8:00), 9:30, 11:00,
TỪ BERKELEY- (6:( 0), (6:30), 7:00, (7:30)
8:00, (8:30,) 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 2:00,
3:00, 4:00, (4:30). 5:00, 5:30) 6:00, (6:30), 7:00,
8:00, 9:30, (12:00).
TO WEST BERKELEY--Same as Berkeley,
except 12:00 M. & none later than 7:00 P. M.
( Sundays excepted. (t) via East Oakland.
Via Narrow-Gauge.
8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, A. M. 12:30, 1;30
2;30, 3:30, 3;30, 4;30, 5;30, 6;39, 7;30, 12:00,
11:30 P. M.
( Sundays excepted. 12:30 Sundays only.
San Quentin Ferry.
WEEK DAYS - 9.20, 11.40 AM, 2.35, 4.45 PM
SUNDAYS-10.15, A M, 1.25, 5.20 PM,
Saucelito Ferry.
Week Days-8.45, 10.30 A M, (3.15), 5.15 R PM-
Sundays-8.00R 10,00 AM, 12.00 M, 2.00, 4.00
R, connecting with railroad.
() 2 pm on Saturd'y Extra trip Mond'y 7.00 a m
Postoffice Information.
On all letters throughout the United States,
3 cts. for each half ounce or fraction thereof.
Drop or Local letters, 2 cts. per half ounce
where there is a full carrier's delivery; other
02: offices 1 ct. each.
Registered letters, 10 cts in addition to the
proper postage. Postal cards, 1 ct. each.
Newspapers, circulars, and other printed
matter, 1 ct. for 2 ounces or fraction thereof.
Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, roots and Scions,
Books, Merchandise and Samples, 1 ct for
each ounce or fraction thereof, iu packages
not exceeding 4 pounds in weight.
All matter not prepaid at letter rates must
be so wrapped that it can be examined with-
out destroying the wrapper, and must contain
no writing whatever, inside or outside, except
the address; but samples may be numbered
to correspond with the numbers in a descrip-
tive letter, and a business card may be print-
ed, impressed or pasted (if printed on wrap-
pers). Liquids. Poisons, Explosives, and other
dangerous matter, excluded.
On matter not specified, same rate as letters.
Foreign Postage.Rates to nearly all for-
eign countries. 5 cts. per half ounce or less.
194042 MISSION STREET, Near Sixteenth, Opposite Mission Market.
Z. F. COLBY, Proprietor. 31