Loud Praises from Good People Says Walter Anthony - Chronicle

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $49.95
Original Price: $69.95

Stock #:738294
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
City: San Francisco
State: California (CA)
County: San Francisco
Postmark: Apr-24
Postmark City: San Francisco
Postmark State: CA
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

Additional Details:
"Until last night I thought there was only one Dave Warfield but as a matter of fact there are three as the other two are Barney Bernard and Alexander Carr." Says Fred Bunch - Examiner "The acting of Barney Bernard and Alexander Carr is no less than art - great art." Says Carl Hoffman - Bulletin. The pinnacle on which theatre lovers of San Francisco have placed David Warfield must be widened to accommodate Barney Bernard and Alexander Carr Says jack Wishar - Call "There never was a play like "Potash and Perlmutter" for simon pure unadulterate humor." Says Edward F. O'Day - Town Talk To figure the laughs in Potash and Perlmutter you'll have to use a very large multiple." Says Paul Gerson - NewsLetter A real debt of gratitude is due Gottlob & Marx in bringing Potash & Perlmutter to San Francisco Says The Public W-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l Show P.&P. The Utmost in Comedy

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