422 North Prospect Street
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Here is a view of the National Headquarters of the Church League of America with the J. B. Matthews
Memorial Library addition.
The Church League of America was founded in 1937 by leading Christian business men who saw the
beginnings of the infiltration of subversive propaganda into churches and educational institutions. The
Church League now has the largest research files in the United States outside the F. B. I. In addition
to its documentary publications, NEWS & VIEWS, and SpeciaĆ Reports, it annually checks thousands
of names of individuals, organizations and publications against its millions of indexed file cards
furnishing activities of those who have aided the enemies of the United States.
Its spacious headquarters in Williamsburg Colonial design are among the finest in the United States. It
is supported entirely by tax-deductible gifts.
Write today for a free catalog listing publications, sound films, tape recording and other training
devices available for purchase or at modest rental fee. Your tax-deductible gifts are solicited.
69211 Color Card by Double Sixteen Co.