Radiance Rose, Office of the Dingee & Conard Co.

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $9.95

Stock #:744545
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: West Grove
State: Pennsylvania (PA)
County: Chester
Postmark: 1918 Feb-7
Postmark City: West Grove
Postmark State: PA
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Other Categories:

Additional Details:
We desire to acknowledge the receipt of your request for a copy of our "New Guide to Rose Culture 1916," and wish to advise that it will be cheerfully sent you. If it does not reach you promptly, advise us. It offers and describes the very best roses in the country, "Dingee Roses," which stand for quality, the best to be had at any price. Grown on their own roots, the only way that a rose should be grown. We can please you. All goods must be satisfactory or your money will be returned. Trial offer will convince you. May we send one? "A Trial Offer" 16 superb hardy ever-blooming roses, postpaid, for $1. Our great stock of roses, the largest in America, contains many very fine varieties which our catalogue does not describe in detail, every way the equal, if not the superior, to the popular favorites. We want you to know these roses as we do, hence we make this remarkable offer. If you will send us $1.00 we will forward sixteen of them, all different kinds, no two colors alike, properly labeled, postpaid, and safe arrival guaranteed. You will not be disappointed in these roses, take our word for it. They will bloom this year throughout the season, and will continue each succeeding year to bloom more profusely, and be a source of joy forever. We will include in this collection such magnificent roses as Climbing White Maman Cochet, buds and blooms the same as the old favorite bush rose of the same name, but a strong, healthy climber, and Jonkheer J. L. Mock, a new hybrid tea rose called the Giant Pink. Color, a clear pink. One of the most attractive roses. Order at your convenience and plants will be either reserved for you, and sent when you so desire or immediately. This Card Valuable. Return this card with an order amounting to $1.00 or more, and we will send you absolutely free of charge a strong sturdy plant of the wonderful bush rose Radiance, a glorious new hybrid tea of extraordinary merit. Awarded a Silver Medal by the American Rose Society. Color, a beautiful shade of Carmine Rose. Note illustration on the reverse side of this card. If you are unable to take advantage of this offer, we would appreciate it if you would hand it to some one who would. Very respectfully, The Dingee & Conard Co., West Grove, Pa. The leading and oldest rose growers in America.

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