By Francis Ouwings
A Conqueror! She reigns Queen of Lotus Land
guarding the Golden Gate. The panorama
of a miniature world lies at her feet! Her diadem-
the eternal hills, jeweled with stars, and the glory
of the Sun upon her.
No drop of Pompeii 's enaemic blood flows in her veins! Nor
supineness of Hereulaneum! What to her
the charred ashes, or the whirlwind 's breath?
What of the desolation, or the agony! Her loins-
girded with steel, she has builded to the skies
to flaunt the elements. Yesterday is but a memory
To-day-the opening of the dawn!
Her heroie pulse has taught the Nations COURAGE. Her faith
in futurity is sublime.
Ye of the East and ye of the frigid North!
Beyond the mountain barriers lies SAN FRANCISCO,
City of Destiny-Queen of Imperial domain.
Gorgeous the hue-
of its floral beauty, in blossom, bush and vine.
With oil and wine, fruit and grain, her valleys feed a world!
With virgin gold and forest tree her mighty cliffs
enrich a Nation, A thrill-in every breath
is the air, tinged with health. Her docks
float the commerce of two Continents, where Orient
and Occident contend the mastery. Every trail
and path, each toad and highway, lead to her
Golden Gate. Above all is the SUN,
the glow of the Western Sun, the great healer of the sore dist ressed.
Ye men of the North and East! AWAKE TO OPPORTUNITY!
Build the city! And thy recompense-
The Pride of all the Ages.
Pacific Novelty Co., Publ., San Francisco, Cal. No. 6.