Where streets, avenues and alleys,
Palaces, private dwellings and shantys
Turned to Department Stores,
Factories and business houses galore,
Out in 'Frisco ;
Where street-cars carry crowds
Much more than law allows
Out in 'Frisco.
Where thousand people fearless
Displayed character peerless
Looking in the Jaws of Death
Out in Frisco;
Where Pauper and Millionaire
Clergyman, Mechanic and Militair,
Side by side stood fighting on
Conflagration modern times unknown
Out in Frisco;
Where Parks hundreds of miles square
Soothed the frightened people's fear
Out in Frisco.
There in security they rested
While flames their beloved city bested
Out in 'Frisco.
Where the watchword shouted wide,
Work Morning, Noon and Night,
The echo still resounding,
Out in 'Frisco ;
Where the debris is flying,
The trade for help is crying,
Out in 'Frisco.
There the people are rebuilding
A city counting millions,
Out in 'Frisco;
Where the miles of devastation
Changed like magic to habitation
Out in 'Frisco.
Where skyscrapers, hotels and dwellings
Displaced ruins untelling
Out in 'Frisco ;
Interrupted travel manifold
Causes Misery untold
Out in 'Frisco.
Where greedy corporations with impunity
Vicelike squeeze the whole community
Out in 'Frisco;
Where a city will send Balboa's Greeting
At the anniversary Nineteen Hunderd
and Thirteen
Out in 'Frisco.
With World Exposition grand
Both Hemispheres joining hands,
Out in 'Frisco ;
Phoenix like rises a city instead
To conquer the world's commerce great,
Out in 'Frisco.
Where climate, fruit and flowers,
God's blessing ever showers
Out in 'Frisco.
Where summer and winter alike,
The world tourist's strike
For out in 'Frisco.
Copyright 1906, By S. Levy.
For Writing