A Prorlamation
by the
President of the United States of America
Whereas the congress of the United States has passed an act approved March 3, 1905, and entitled "An act to provide for celebrating the birth of the American nation, the first
permanent settlement of English speaking people on the Western hemisphere, by the holding of an international naval, marine and military celebration in the vicinity of Jamestown,
on the waters of Hampton Roads, in the State of Virginia, to provide for the suitable and permanent commemoration of said event and to authorize an appropriation in aid there-
for and for other purposes."
And whereas section 3 of the said act reads as follows:
"Section 3. The President of the United States is hereby authorized to make proclamation of said celebration, setting forth the event to be commemo: ated, inviting foreign
nations to participate by the se nding of their naval vessels and such representation of their military organizations as may be proper;"
Now, therefore, I. Theedore Roosevelt, President of the United States, by virtue of the authority vested in me by said act, do hereby declare and proclaim that there shall
be inaugurated in the year 1907, at and near the waters of Hampton Roads, in the State of Virginia, an international naval, marine and military celebration, beginning May 13
and ending not later than November 1, 1907, for the purpose of commemorating in a fitting and appropriate manner the birth of the American nation; the first permanent settle-
ment of English speaking pecople on the American continent made at Jamestown. Virginia, on the 13th day of May, 1607, and in order that the great events of the American
history which have resulted therefrom may be accentuated to the present and tuture generations of American citizens.
And in the name of the government and people of the United States, I do therefore invite all the nations of the earth to take part in the commemoration of the event
which has had a far-reaching effect on the course of human history, by sending their naval vessels to the said celebration and by making such representations of their military
organizations as may be proper.
In testimony thereof, I have now set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done in the city of Washington this twenty-ninth day of March, one tnousane aine hundred and five, and in the independence of the United States the one hundred and
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By the President:
Thiodore Roosevely-
Acting Secretary of State.
Elihu Root U. S. Secretary of State.
President Theodore Roosevelt.
Leslie M. Shaw U. S. Secretary of the Treasury.
Harry St. George Tucker, President of the Exposition Co.
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, Late President of the Exposition Co.
Wm. H. Taft. U. S. Secretary of War.
Charles F. Bonaparte U. S. Secretary of the Navy.
Canada Cuba
Mexico, Hawaii
Porto Rico
Margaret 6. Stanton
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