The Harm Skirt


Stock #:748815
Type: Postcard
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Pants are made for men not for women. Women are made for men not for pants. When a man pants for a woman, and a woman pants for a man, they are a pair of pants. Such pants don't last. Pants are like molasses-they are thinner in hot weather and thicker in cold. Men are often mistaken in pants, such mistakes are breeches of promise. There has been much discussion whether pants is singular or plural. Seems to me when men wear pants it is plural and when they don't it is singular. Men go on a tear in pants and it is all right. When the pants go on a tear it is all wrong. To make pants last make the coat first.

From the Darlene Thorne Collection

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