Vol. I
No. I.
THE CALITORNIAN-Is published every Saturday morning
ment aud that of the U. Statcs. It is resolied by the Se
ate anil IIonsc of Representatives, in Congress. assembleu
that,with a view. to provide the goverament of the U. States
2 50
with tho ineans of prosecuting the said war to a speedy and
This is the first paper ever published in California, and favorable termination. The President be nuthorized, as lic
though i sued upon a smail sheet, is intended it shall con is by these presents to employ the military and naval forces
tain matter that will be read with interest. The prineiples of the U. States, and to require and accept the services of
which will goern us in conducting it, can be set forth inany number of volunteers not cxceeding 50,000 men who
a few words.
we shall maintain an entire and utter severance of all po-inonths from the time they shall have arrived at the place
litical connexion with Mexico.
forever all fealty to her laws, all obedience to her mandates, er discharged, according to the time for which they may
we shall advocate an oblivion of al past political offen- have enli ted; ad the sum of 10,000,000 of dollars of ino-
ces und allow everv man the privilege of entcring this new ney at present in the Trensury or such as may be hercaftes
ora of events Ășuembarrassed by any part he muy have taken reccired, not aiready approprlated for other objects, be ap-
ia previous revolutions.
We siall maintain frecdom of speech and the pross, and.Pprovisions of thns Act.
those great principles of religious toleration, which allows
every man to worship God according to tie dictates of bis called, into the eivice efthe United States, in virtie of the
may offer, both Cavalry, Artilery and Riflemen; to serve 12
we renouncec. at oneo and designated, or until the termination of the war, unlcss soon-
propriated as. it is by thie-e presents to carry into effect he
Sec. 2. And it is further cnacted; that the Miliitia, when
Gwn consCIence.
present Act, or 'ony other; may, if in the opinion of the Pres-
We shall advocate such a svstem of nublic instruction as ident (the exAgen ies of tihe pullic service require it,) be
will bring the means of a good practical education to every compelled to servo for a period not excceding six months
child in California
in any one year from the datc of their arlval at the appoint-
The CALIFORNIAN, the first paper published
in California, measured only about 8x12 inches.
The State Library has more than 4,000 bound
volumes of newspapers, covering the history of
the State with a day to day record of events.
card index of about 150,000 items is a key to
their contents.