
California Hotel


Stock #:76399
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Oakland
State: California (CA)
County: Alameda
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Rooms and Baths -A Steel Structure -Earthquake and Fireproofed.CALIFORNIA HOTEL, Calif-- At Oakland End of Bridge
Oakland new and most popular tourist and residential familyhotel, is especially built to accommodate tourist of Santa Fe Pacific Coast Terminal ,and one block from the Oakland end of the Bay Bridge , and therefore ,a most ideal journeys and home for the transcontiental traveler while visiting San Francisco, Okland all East Bay cities.From the windows of this magnificent hotel you may view the historic San Francisco Bay with its Golden Gate,both the Oakland and Golden Gate Bridges ,the San Francisco Skytline ,Mount Bridges ,the San Francisco Skyline ,Mopunt Tamalpains ,the city of Berkeley with the famous University with its exclusive residential distric, the civic center of Okland and many other cities within cities within a wide range .Near to ferrier and street car service .Excellent cuisine Rates $2.00per day up.

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