Butch Jenkins & Chingwah Lee
in MGM's "Little Mister Jim
A human, sentimental drama of a typical American boy
with laughter and tears aplenty. Direction by Fred
Zinneman extremely well handled.
American Legion Auxiliary, National Committee.
The quiet, quaint humor and philosophy of the Chinese
cook adds flavor to a simple plot; his performance is
remarkably sincere and impressive. The picture promotes
understanding of another race. Family.
California Council of Church Women.
Butch Jenkins is a very natural, unaffected child, and his
relationship with the Chinese servant, played with unusual
distinction and charm by Chingwah Lee, makes much of
the picture enjoyable. Los Angeles County Branch,
American Association of University Women.
Chingwah Lee steals the show in this drama. Music scor
ing by George Bassman is excellent.
Daughters of the American Revolution.
The Cast gives an excellent performance, particularly
Chingwah Lee. Excellent. Family.
Eastern Committee, General Federation of Women's Clubs.
The Chinese servant is the best supporting character I
have ever seen.
Student Reviewing Committee,
A Project of the Los Angeles City Schools.
Condensed from Unbiased Opinions and distributed with
the conviction that popular support of good pictures will
discourage the bad ones. Minority Groups' Cinema Com
mittee, 9 Old Chinatown Lane, San Francisco 8, Calif.