One day, many years ago, the wind being in a playful mood, brought
two Imps to see Lincoln. The first thing that attracted their attention on
drawing near the City, was its magnificent Minster. They were filled with
awe and astonishment at so noble a building, and it caused their hearts to
sink within them for a time, but plucking up courage, they flew thither to
more closely examine its wonderful carvings and mouldings. After flying
around for some hours, one Imp found the south door open and with great
trepidation, impishly popped his head inside.
exquisite Angel Choir, he could not resist the temptation of a chat with the
angels, so in he hopped, making straight for a pillar, he hopped still higher,
but his curiosity cost him dear, for no sooner had he reached the top to rest,
than he was in a moment turned to stone. The other Imp, tired of looking
for his lost brother, alighted on the back of a witch. He also was immediate-
ly turned to stone. The wind still haunts the Minster Close awaiting the
return of the Imps.
Catching sight of the