Menwantedeverywhere to show our beautiful
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experience needed. We furnish complete outfit
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this. Others are making from $50 to $100 a week.
Start in your spare time.
Made of attractive, dur-
able fast color, hard
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splendid suit, fine for
dress or business wear. Made-to-your-measure in your choice of 28 styles.
Many other remarkable burgains in our new sample book including the
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guaranteed to give satisf action or your money back. If
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Prices on pants in every range and grade reduced to rock
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You will find Paragon Pants prices lower, suit prices lower,
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Write your name here and mail today-Cloth
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mation free.
Dept. 811
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St. or R.F.D._
Clothing COT
lower than anywhere else; 20 per
cent under the real
market value. Write
today for free cloth
samples. Splendid high-
grade pants of strong.
durable, hard finished
worster s, $5.25. Good
suit made to measure;
guaranteed quality;
guaranteed to fit and
please you; delivery
charges prepaid - $20
We send on approval.
The Paragon Tailoring Co.
For Spare Time
208-210-212-214 S. Green St.
Show your friends our
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The biggest values on earth. The best clothes in
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free samples of cloth and full information.