muy Chistmas
a Yetaluma Dude
Dear Darlene
Haven't been in contact with you
because I've lost your wedding
announcement and I never put your
married name into the address book!
Dumb me.
Am sending this hoping it
will reach you.
Don Church did
promised to get me the information
but hasn't.
Busy times around this spread. A
daughter was married at l Keller last
Saturday. She had been living with
Pierre for just 16 years. And I'm
engaged--to Mary Liz Stewart, a local
librarian. Marriage? Probably when
one of us win the lottery.
Magawd, the holiday parties. Monday,
Tue sday, Wednesday this week and
six (6) Sat., the Ilyth!
Dorothy Demare of Novato is a new
postcard friend. You gotta meet her.
I've old
letter (hę wewe na mia address