Lady of the Bay
When a memorial service is
desired, the Naiad is utilized for
performing funerals on the blue
water of the Pacific.
"For everything there is a season,
and a time... to be born, and a
time to die ...,"
- Ecclesiastes
Mail to:
The Neptune Society's Philosophy
1. To make available to the public an alternative to the complicated &
costly funeral system which is common in America today.
2. To make it possible for persons to do their own pre-death planning,
thus assuring that their instructions will be followed.
3. To provide a choice between cremation, or a simple but dignified
private family funeral to be followed by cremation or burial.
4. To lessen the burden, both financial & emotional, that is placed upon
the family at this critical time.
5. To provide a pre-payment plan that will freeze the cost today &
guarantee the services into the future, fully paid for the rest of your life.
We apologize if this letter has arrived at a time of illness.
Walnut Creek
(415) 485-6830
(415) 944-5100
San Mateo
(415) 771-0717
Castro Valley
(415) 592-9880
(415) 889-7110
Yes, please send me a free brochure on the Neptune Society.
Please include information about the trust plan.
Neptune Society
1275 Columbus Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94133