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737 P S
United ****
Bacing Modal 737–
Ray Andereon
Collectors Series
Boeing Model 737–
The 737, designed as a short-haul jet, has several
versions, including a cargo model and a longer
variant, the 737-200. Introduced in 1967, the
737 is certified for use on gravel and unpaved
strips and can operate on 4,000' runways.
Length: 94' or 100'. Wingspan: 93'. Maximum
speed: 586 mph.
Copyright 1973 by Johns-Byrne Co., Chicago, III.
Special Offer
Prints of this art available 9" x 12", ready to frame, Send $2.00 check or money order for each print to Johns-Byrne Co., 161 W. Harrison, Chicago, III. 60605.
Please specify type of aircraft (Boeing 737). Complete list of other available aircraft prints will be sent to you with your order. Allow three weeks for delivery.