
Visit Ye Olde Curiosity Shope, Ground Floor At Colman Dock Entrance


Stock #:77370
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Seattle
State: Washington (WA)
County: King
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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VISITORS IN SEATTLE SHOULD SEE:The Pike Place Market;Zoological Gardens: The Smith Tower ,42 stories,Day and Night View ; Anderson's Boat Tour of Harbor through U.S.Ship Canal to Lake Union into Lake Washington: Mt. Rainier ;Snoqualmie Falls,100 feet higher than Niagara. Big Trees in Schmitz Park ;Sea Bathing at Alkibeach;View of Harbor from Colman Dock Rounda;Battleship and great docks ;U.S.Navy Yard at Bermerton ,I hour boat ride ;Municipal Frozzen Fish Aquarium in Spokane, St. Wharf ; Tropical Conservatories And Museum in Volunteer Park; State museum and Art Gallery on University Campus.The Seattle Chamber of Commerce and Alaska Bureau will give you free literature ,maps and information about sight seeing.VISIT THE WORLD FAMOUS YE OLDE CURIOSITY SHOP And see the Russia Brass Ikons ,Samovars ;Carvings on 4 grains of rice;Shruken Human Head size of a lemon from Ecuador ; the Loar's Prayer on a pin head ;Fleaz in dresses ;a duckbill Plattypus;a devil fish ,wolf fish,musk ox skull, camel bells ,old ship lanterns ;Narwhal tusk,Aztecpottery;ships in botles,old guns;India mask and real handcarved Indian Totem POles,one to forty feet tall.Big variety of antique brass and broze.Fossil lvory Jewelry from Alaska Eskimos.Odd rins and beads ;rate novrlies, Indian Baskets,bracelets and ring ,daggers and thousands of other curisities from every land and sea

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