The Fastest Race Course in the World-Bonneville Salt Flats


Stock #:77373
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Salt Lake City
State: Utah (UT)
County: Salt Lake
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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The square on back line is one end of the measured race course.Electric eyes,one setting far out on Salt and one close up.There are two race courses of 13 miles each one circular and one straight-a way.First tried out in 1912,became world famous 1931, when Ab Jenkins with his Mormon Meteor broke all previous world's speed records. Since ,other from all over the world have made new records with allover automobiles,stockcars ,hot-rods, motor cycles ,etc. The famous Pilots Peak in the back ground was used as a guide for crossing this Great Salt Desert by the Donner Party in 1846-later down hand -cards, Wagons and wheel tracks are still visible on certain parts of this barren desert

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