For goodness sake, it's strapping Mr. T in his sleeveless red
Santa suit wowing the children of the Wash ington Diplomatic
corps after Nancy Reagan properly kissed him as she took
first turn on-his ample knee. Bedecked in white feathers, a
plethora of jingling gold jewelry, and a bag of "little T' dolls,
Mr. T gave the press a mock scolding about not "writing
anything mean about the Reagans, or I'll have to call on you.
HO-HO-HO! Decem ber 12, 1983
CL-RR. #135
SC18587 Colorphoto: Mary Anne Fackelman
White House
Mike Roberts Color Productions
TMOakland, CA 94623
Published by Coral-Lee
P.0. Box 314, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670