Overall President Reagan possesses a "special magic touch'"
that sees him through many crisis times, but he, personally,
seems to emerge unscathed, uncriticized and individually
very popular, almost "loved" in some quarters. Also, helping
him garner an "A" is the fact that he has presided over
downward trends in inflation, unemployment, and interest
rates. The economic tide is rising and military defense seems
to suit most people. In the arena of world affairs, Americans
"like the way he stands up for America." He has declared he
will help education and has made some positive environmen-
tal moves. Reagan is an evangelical politician who brought
the techniques of the sawdust trail to the presidency, replete
with parables and low on supporting evidence. People hold
widely divergent views about Reagan's policies on: the nu-
clear arms race, reduction of the federal debt, a balanced
budget, quality health and social problems, keeping us out of
war, and anxiety about the futu re. "The Only President to Get
Younger in Office enjoys fabulous health and earns an
A++ for his exercise routine, as Nancy gets the cred it for
odering up his low-calorie meals. END OF THE THIRD YEAR
CL-RR. SER. #84
SC18569 Colorphoto:
White House
Michael Evans
Mike Roberts Color Productions
Oakland, CA 94623
Published by Cora l-Lee
P.0. Box 314, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670