Times Have Changed but the Rockford Watch Never Changes
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The longest day in all the year (The 21st) is almost here. But there is not a day so long The Rockford watch will e'er go wrong. June Weddings: Are not some of your friends going to be married this month? For June weddings, silver weddings, golden weddings, all kinds of weddings, and for all occasions, we have a most carefully selected stock from which you can make your selections. We shall gladly give you the benefit of our long experience in helping you make your selections. For the sweet girl graduate, or the June bride, we especially recommend a Rockford Watch, because of its timekeeping qualities and because we know it will give the owner "True Time for a Life Time." J. Tetzlaff Jeweler and Optician Reed City, MICH From the Darlene Thorne Collection |